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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Busy busy busy…

Busy, Busy, Busy...

Lucketts has a big big month coming up, so I thought I would fill you in on some of the highlights…

Busy Number 1 - The May Design House, sneaking right up on us May 3-4-5.

The usual span of emotions for our monthly Design House looks something like this..

Amy's Advice Booth a la The Peanuts
  1. “We have plenty of time…this should be no problem”
  2. “Oh crap, does anybody have a plan?”
  3. “Are we seriously going to do this whole house over again?”
  4. “All right get out the paint”
  5. “We don't have enough time…we’re screwed”
  6. “I don’t feel so good”
  7. Magic pixie dust drops out of the sky…all of the items we need landed, and the house is beautiful.
We are currently in stage five of that process…so everybody keep your fingers crossed. 

This month, We will feature our very own Amy Whyte, the lead decorator at the Design House, to answer any design questions you may have about your own house. You can bring photos of trouble areas you may have, and we will do our best to help you out.

If you're not local for the Design House Event next weekend, Amy can still help you with your decorating dilemmas (see below).  Send us your questions (as a comment in this post, on facebook, or email us) and we'll answer them in our "Letters to Lucketts" blog series.

Our busy month isn't even close to over, we have a wedding reception, a baby, the Spring Market, and some new additions to the Lucketts family, but more about those tomorrow...


Go Ahead, Ask Us Anything!
{photo credit: Katherine Cobb}
We will be inviting our readers to write in to our blog in the new year and ask us questions.  Suzanne will be leaning upon her 17 years in business as owner of the Lucketts Store to help tackle your questions about what it's like to run your own small creative business.

Amy, our lead designer at the Design House will also be open to readers sending in Design questions you may have regarding your home.  We will ask for you to send in photos of the trouble areas and specific questions for Amy, and she’ll do her best to help you out.

If you have any questions and would like our humble advice, send your questions (and pictures) to luckettstore@gmail.com (please reference “letters to Lucketts” in the subject line & in your note, so we know its intended for the blog column.)

1 comment:

  1. So glad to be able to ask a question....this has been bothering me for some time. The floors in most of my house are a laminate that looks like pine. The man cave currently has carpet in it and we would like to replace it. Do we try to go with what is in the rest of the rooms or something different? If we choose another laminate do I try to match the color of the wood or the type of wood if what we bought previously is not available... No more carpet, but I'm open to anything else.


We love comments and love to hear your thoughts, ideas, and inspiration. Please leave a comment and share with us!