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Thursday, January 3, 2013

It's a new dawn, it's a new day

Okay baby, it's a new dawn…it's a new day..its a fresh new year and we can do absolutely whatever we want with it..

I signed up for a yoga class (that I actually went to.. normally I think about it, sign up, don't go and wonder why I’m never in shape….started a journal that I have already written in four times…. Again, I usually buy the pretty book, fill in a page or two and up on my shelf it goes.)

But this year I feel different, I seriously feel like I want to follow through on my intentions.

I am 52 years old and I am starting to have the tiniest feeling that I’m growing up and I want to do things that are good for me.

A Year in Review

I am happy to say that 2012 was another wonderful year at The Lucketts Store and I’m pretty excited to say we’re already brewing lots of cool new ideas for the new year… it's seriously hard to imagine that after 17 years of this we can still come up with stuff and remain infinitely enthusiastic…it's crazy, but we totally do.

Spring Market 2012. {The Market is 5/18 & 5/19 this year.}
This past year we were fortunate enough to have dry fields for our Spring Market (what? how was that possible?  Heather must have put out some good juju to score that)

We started our online store, Shop Lucketts, which has been a great addition for all of the folks who love Lucketts but live all over the country, so stopping by is not too easy.

Added two fabulous worker girls to our already amazing staff.. shout out to Little Amy and Taryn… and a great new mover guy, Jake.. (as you can see we have very distinguished titles for our employees)

Miss Mustard Seed's Paint Line
We were also fortunate enough to work with Marian Parsons, who many of you know through her very popular blog, Miss Mustard Seed. Marian has had quite an amazing year with a new book and launching her own line of milk paint. But she too has realized you really need to focus on what is good for you, what works for you in the realm of your family, health and keeping balance in your life. So Marion will be moving on from her space at Lucketts to focus on the aspects of her business that are more aligned with where her life is going. All of the crew at Lucketts wish her the best and it was great working together.

This is a very demanding business that pretty much is an entire lifestyle. It really has as much to do with an undying passion for finding stuff, love of display, love of making something with great lines beautiful again, the excitement of the great deal at auction, and the satisfaction you get when someone is equally happy with what you’ve done and purchases your treasure……it's very validating…and that is what keeps us going..

Go Ahead, Ask Us Anything!

{photo credit: Katherine Cobb}
We will be inviting our readers to write in to our blog in the new year and ask questions regarding what its like to run your own small creative business.   I certainly don't have all the answers, but I have 17 years of Luckettsness under my belt and I’d be happy to share any knowledge I can with our readers.

Amy, our lead designer at the Design House will also be open to readers sending in Design questions you may have regarding your home.  We will ask for you to send in photos of the trouble areas and specific questions for Amy, and she’ll do her best to help you out.

These are a few of our new features for the new year…we sure have learned a lot  the hard way, so if we can make someone else's life a little easier, we’re happy to do it.

I think we’ll call our new column “Letters to Lucketts."  If you have any questions you’d like our humble advice for, send them to luckettstore@gmail.com (please reference “letters to Lucketts” in the subject line & in your note, so we know its intended for the blog column.)

Stay true to yourself, and have a great New Year!


  1. I love that you are willing to take questions and decorating issues and help your customers. I love your design house.

    1. Thank you so much Georgia. Please send one in if you have one!

  2. Having had the pleasure of shopping at Lucketts and the design house last month, I'm so happy I got to see the Mustard Seed space. Having a question and answer section is great! (I am also 52, and decided to start exercising again...I wish us both luck!)

    1. Thanks for the sweet comment & best of luck Kirby!

  3. "Follow thru" was my resolution, too, Suzanne! Haha


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